विशिष्ट अभिकरण - vishisht abhikaran meaning in hindi

Suggested :
काढना | change |
This change was well under way as early as the 1st century BCE | |
अपोहन करना | sweep |
As new ideals and practices began to sweep Spira | |
परिवाँन | spread |
Byzantine forms spread to eastern European centers, particularly Russia. | |
अधिगम सिद्धांत | learning theory |
The introduction of social learning theory | |
अलावा | apart from |
Descartes frequently sets his views apart from those of his predecessors. |
vishisht abhikaran
अक्षरों की संख्या: 15 स्वर व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
vishiShTa abhikaraNa
Related spellings : vishisht abhikaran
Related spellings : vishisht abhikaran
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